this is one of the older models that has been ....from what i can tell stripped from it original frame/stand. not the first custom set up treadwalls i have seen. so if you get a chance to save some money buying a used treadwall you could always go this route so you dont have to be limited to only twelve degrees overhanging. plus if you dont have a super tall ceiling going this way will work, unless youd rather cut out a hole.... um, blah blah blah, lost my train of thought ...enjoy the pics

OH!!! i remember what i wanted to say! so if you have a treadwall or you train on one at a gym, send me a pic. share your set up and any training ideas you have for the rest of us! um, if you dont well then you are a sucky individual that is lazy and that makes baby jesus cry! and i dont know about you but i think crying baby jesus is on par with hunger striking buhda! and he might do that. not too mention allah will put a jihad on you... vishnu, no lotus... zues, no lightning... gaia, no ground!!! ...yhwh, will undo all creation! ....thanks
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