at this point i would assume everyone knows what a volume is. Yes! it is the amount of 3-demensional space occupied by an object. but that's not what we are talking about. volumes are also the name for the big..big ...telemudo! holds that we find at the gym that take a boring flat wall and make it resemble something closer to what nature intended ...sorta. the point is they are cool! look---------->

Motivation Volumes (google it!) can make you some if you have and excess of money and a lacking in time. oh, and you'll need tools.....skill saw, miter saw, drill press, belt sander. so being that i love projects, i decide to build my own. the main things you want to consider is framing for durability and maximize your t-nuts placements! here is basically what
im talking about.

so after google image searching for a while and essentially riping off other peoples ideas, i came up with several design ideas for making my own volumes. and late one night after i completed my boring tasks of medication reckoning and record checking i put my time to better use and drew these ups! now i
havent figured out all the design specifics and
im still not up to par with a miter saw but as i move forward ill post more on this topic!

....admit it ...the drawings
arent half bad!
oh, and no these will
definitely not fit on a
treadwall. but this is why we are making a boulder wall to compliment the
The drawings aren't half bad