OH! yeah im getting excited! making holds... making VOLUMES.... i had one of the vulgarians over the other day, tyler or "strong" as hes know around the bouldering cave. he aint that strong but it seems to fit him as nick names go. he gave me a hand doing some finish work on my new volumes... maybe you need another picture of those?

hes one of those contractor/construction type guys and he said hes gonna lend a hand when it comes time to break ground on the shed. thanks buddy! anyway... so i emailed Garnet today at Brewer's Ledge just to let him know how close we are. just waiting on that final approval from the "Landlord" to build the shed! cant see why this is a problem but hopefully on or around the 22nd of may i should be making the call. then as it stands it should take 4-6 weeks for delivery... boo, cant we speed that up to 2 weeks? oh well, it's my fault for not pushing the issue with the "roommate". but soon i will have a very similar setup to thiiiiissss.......

...of my very own. which has brought me to another very hypothetical question. i kinda like the wood framing of this individuals treadwall. i tend to love wood and more earthy feel of things.... guess thats why were into "nature" and stuff? anyway im gonna have to check it out when the wall arrives but i may try to enclose the metal legs in wood vernier. i know it seems a little ridiculous... but i said it's hypothetical. F'n'S! ...oh heres a Treadwall Kore again...

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