Body Composition
here we are at part two of our journey from fat sack of crap to sick beast with tendons of steal. the next tests you will be required to perform are easy... but, the results may be just as hard to face.
i will again prompt you to read my disclaimers, and also suggest that if you have not read the previous post that you do so now rather than continue and confuse the crap out of yourself. not that im suggesting that my writing has a continuitous nature in the first place. anyway.... you can use these measurements as guides for progress in your struggle to be healthy. in and of themselves they mean little to nothing. but as you establish a baseline and then later are able to follow the treading, you will be able to pat yourself on the back for your positive results. again, if you have any medical concerns through this please seek immediate profession medical help.

Purpose: The measurement of height is a standard component of most fitness assessments. Height or lack of height is an important attribute, especially when considered in conjunction with weight.
Equipment: A standard tape measure.
Procedure: standing height is the measurement the maximum distance from the floor to the highest point on the head, when the subject is facing directly ahead. Shoes should be off, feet together, and arms by the sides. Heels, buttocks and upper back should also be in contact with the wall when the measurement is made. Height measurement can vary throughout the day, usually being higher in the morning, so to ensure reliability height should be measured at the same time of day. Additionally, height may change with increased flexibility and stretching. So it would be reasonable to have change in height with physical training.
Scoring: Record the height in inches.

Purpose: measuring body mass can be valuable for monitoring body fat or muscle mass changes, or for monitoring hydration level.
Equipment: An accurate scale, a scale with more than half pound variance is inappropriate for this need.
Procedure: Stands upon the scale with minimal movement with hands by their side. Shoes and excess clothing should be removed. To improve reliability, weigh routinely in the morning (12 hours since eating). Body weight can be affected by fluid in the bladder (weigh after voiding the bladder). If you are monitoring changes in body mass, try and weigh at the same time of day, under the same conditions, and preferably with no clothes on. Always compare using the same set of scales. Keep in mind measuring weight can be used as a measure of changes in body fat, but as it does not take into account changes in lean body mass it is better to use other methods of body composition measurement.
Scoring: Record weight in pounds

Purpose: A measurement of waist girth reflects of the amount of abdominal fat (visceral fat).
Equipment: A flexible body tape measure and pen for marking the skin.
Procedure: The waist measurement is taken at the level of the umbilicus (navel or belly-button). When recording, you need to make sure the tape is not too tight or too loose, is lying flat on the skin, and is horizontal.
Scoring: record the diameter in inches.

Purpose: to measure the circumference of the hip area, as a measure of the underlying hip structure, musculature and adipose tissue (fat). When combined with the measure of abdominal girth provide the value of the Waist-Hip Ratio.
Equipment: A flexible body tape measure and pen suitable for marking the skin.
Procedure: The hip girth measurement is taken over minimal clothing, at the level of the greatest protrusion of the gluteal (buttock) muscles. The subject stands erect with their weight evenly distributed on both feet and legs slightly parted, making sure not tense the gluteal muscles. When recording, you need to make sure the tape is not too tight or too loose, is lying flat and is horizontal.
Scoring: Record the diameter in inches.

Purpose: To measure the circumference of the chest, as a measure of the chest muscles mass and adipose tissue (fat).
Equipment: A flexible body tape measure and pen suitable for marking the skin.
Procedure: This measure is taken at the level of the middle of the sternum (breast-bone), with the tape passing under the arms. After the tape is in position, the arms should be relaxed by the side, and the measurement taken at the end of a normal expiration. When recording, you need to make sure the tape is not too tight or too loose, is lying flat on the skin, and is horizontal, particularly around the back. Clothing over the site should be removed if possible to make sure measuring tape is positioned correctly and that the correct circumference is determined.
Scoring: Record the diameter in inches.

Purpose: To measure the circumference of the arm, as a measure of the underlying musculature and adipose tissue.
Equipment: A flexible body tape measure and pen suitable for marking the skin.
Procedure: The arm is raised to a horizontal position in the sagittal (forward) plane, with the elbow at about 45 degrees. The subject maximally contracts the biceps muscle, and the largest circumference is measured. When recording, you need to make sure the tape is not too tight or too loose, is lying flat on the skin, and is kept vertical. The maximal girth is not always obvious, and the tape may need to be moved along to find the point of maximum circumference. Because physical activity can increase blood flow and increase the overall girth, it is best to take measurements at the same time of day when fully relaxed.
Scoring: Record the diameter for each arm in inches.

Purpose: To measure the circumference of the forearm, as a measure of the underlying musculature and adipose tissue.
Equipment: A flexible body tape measure and pen suitable for marking the skin.
Procedure: The subject holds the arm out with the palm facing upwards. The measurement is taken along the forearm at the point of the largest circumference. The maximal girth is not always obvious, and the tape may need to be moved up and down along the forearm to find the point of maximum circumference, which will usually be found closer to the elbow. When recording, you need to make sure the tape is not too tight or too loose and is lying flat on the skin. Because physical activity can increase blood flow and increase the overall girth, it is best to take measurements at the same time of day when fully relaxed.
Scoring: Record the diameter for each arm in inches.
...mkay, i will have more coming soon... in part trois!
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