so what am i up to.... nada. nothing to be exact. i have been rather lazy but im working on some new ideas. i have one particularly huge thing that i hope to finish... but its a secret for now. on another note, not to long ago i went to the new (new to me anyway) circuit gym in portland oregon, with my newly-wed friends josh and teal. we had a pretty good time! those guys at circuit always set excellent stuff and their walls are awesome in design. one of the best things is the new gym has a cool home woodie feel on steroids! unfortunately i never took a picture of my favorite wall. it had a clear coat with texture over the wood panels. looks fantastic take my word for it. but i am currently trying to get their builders to tell me what they used on their walls so i can put it on my volumes. if so... you know i will share it with you and how to add it to your wall and volumes!
oh... and youre welcome JOSH!