so here is my first new design. i came up with it in the car on the way to the climbing gym today. it features one trapezoidal in-cut panel. it is a variation on the standard three sided tetrahedron. the thin end is loped off to avoid the unusable arrow point where no T-nuts can fit. the wide has been split into two angled panels. the size i hope to make is roughly 40 inches long and it should sit around 15 inches tall. not HUGE but large overall than any other volumes ive made. so here it is:
and if the picture arent artful enough for ya...there's this:
the next design i have had kicking around in the back of my brain for a bit now, it's fairly simple... the idea comes from those detaching flakes that always seem so scary to boulder on. you know the one the size of your chest that you imagine tearing off at the worst time and crushing you ribs! it feature four sides and is a variation on the standard ramp shaped volume. my design pulls the sides in to form two big in-cuts. in the picture the "back" is the view that you could only see when the volume isnt mounted to the wall. overall size will be around 34 inches long, 34 inches wide and 8-10 inches tall... so here he is:
....this one probably needs the extra video to show it off:
so thus concludes part one... i imagine this will take a few days work considering i want to heavily document it for all y'all. give that plus work, and josh's wedding i expect this series will take a week or so to finish. i hope to do it in several post with the last one debuting them at club dreher some night. again thanks for reading and i welcome comments and questions... you are all my baby birds, i will feed you! ...did that sound as creepy as i was hoping for?!
Kudos on your article. Your clear and concise writing makes it a valuable resource.888B