There is a variety of subjects... most involving rock climbing, written about on this blog. MAKING VOLUMES OR CLIMBING HOLDS, is probably one of the more popular subjects. just check the labels links or search bar to find your fancy.
of course if you want to go back and start from the beggining, please do! to that end, if there are any question let me know ... i encourage you to add comments for others to read or if you want to get me directly you can email me at treadwallproject@hotmail.com
IF THIS IS YOUR FIRST TIME, READ THE MUST READ LIST.... oh!, ...and you have to fight!
Monday, June 28, 2010
new colors
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Nothing to do with treadwalls.... but BIG PIMPIN'!

well i guess if your not gonna get a treadwall and still want the worlds great endurance..... you better move to the town of Groningen and start working the Excalibur. ill be honest if i had that in my back yard i would say, "brewer's ledge who?" & "tread-what?"
Saturday, June 26, 2010
another treadwall for sale!

the Treadwall Community

this is one of the older models that has been ....from what i can tell stripped from it original frame/stand. not the first custom set up treadwalls i have seen. so if you get a chance to save some money buying a used treadwall you could always go this route so you dont have to be limited to only twelve degrees overhanging. plus if you dont have a super tall ceiling going this way will work, unless youd rather cut out a hole.... um, blah blah blah, lost my train of thought ...enjoy the pics

OH!!! i remember what i wanted to say! so if you have a treadwall or you train on one at a gym, send me a pic. share your set up and any training ideas you have for the rest of us! um, if you dont well then you are a sucky individual that is lazy and that makes baby jesus cry! and i dont know about you but i think crying baby jesus is on par with hunger striking buhda! and he might do that. not too mention allah will put a jihad on you... vishnu, no lotus... zues, no lightning... gaia, no ground!!! ...yhwh, will undo all creation! ....thanks
Friday, June 25, 2010
Huh! Why?!

may i introduce the all too spectacular ....rope climbing machine. i dont know who would want this thing but according to their literature if you do this for a half hour you will burn 420 calories as opposed to the measly 300 calories you will burn on a treadmill. really? ....does that number sound fishy to anyone else.
regardless if you want one of these babies you can get it or a similar model (they have four.... really? four?). the sticker price for their tope model is on a little over $5,000. just check out their site: http://www.marpokinetics.com/ (make sure you take the link to the super cool promotional video!)
of course if you do get one of these please, please....please tell me why you actually need to train for climbing a rope, cause i honestly dont get the appeal. but then again i guess a treadwall aint for everyone.
oh! check out the other wacky machines i have discovered: http://treadwallproject.blogspot.com/2010/05/ten-thing-i-hate-are-not-you.html
Monday, June 21, 2010
Treadwall, Improving the patent?

Hangboard customizing~ so backing up to the whole... inspiration? ....point? ...purpose, yeah thats it. it was suggested to me by someone at Brewer's ledge the idea of adding a hangboard. to do this is easy. first, remove the shroud from the top of your wall. next, get a piece thin plywood and mark out where the screw holes line up. then drill out the holes and do the same to the middle panel on the shroud. youre gonna need a set of nuts and bolts so head the local hardware store. oh be sure theyre only as long as absolutely necessary! if you wanna do it right, you could use t-nuts, then pre-check the length of your bolts and cut them off so they dont stick out. this will insure that the holds dont scrape. so if you havent figured it out yet, put the plywood inside the shroud while mounting your hangboard on the outside. and Voila!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
the Treadwall House (part 3)
Update.... Day 5: ....so heres what i got done today. not a whole lot. i started late around 12:30, because apparently when i work four days in row it makes me lazy come day five. but since the sun was out i decided to throw some OSB up on the roof. hopefully tomorrow and the next couple of days i will be able to get some little things done. otherwise the shed will have to sit until thurs when i have my next day off.
.....i guess for some of you these are all very boring posts. i just figured i put up the building plans i might as well show the construction. dont worry soon, the Treadwall will get here and we will talk about much more important things!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
the Treadwall House (part 2)
....first and foremost i would like to thank "Strong" (aka Tyler) for showing up and helping. there is no way i would have gotten as much done as i have had he not spent the last three days coming over and busting ass with me!
Day 1: the first things first that need to be done was sink in three pier blocks. we then mounted three 4x4's to and built the floor joists up. the back yard wasnt exactly level so we spent a good four hours just trying to make sure everything was square and level. when your making a building that has twelve foot walls starting out square seemed like an important thing to do.
Day 2: Strong had to work today as he did the day before so i spent the first half of the day just cutting wood and prepping everything i could think of. i tried to make all the walls into little kits that just had to be assembled. when Tyler finally got there sometime after 4pm he had a little surprise. the boss had given him use of the company nail gun. after proving how not awesome i am at nailing the day before on the joists i was pleased to say the least. the gun made everything go quick. you can see how far we got in the next couple of shots.
Day 3: it went well today. we finished up the last of the framing, and the walls reached theyre due full height. the back westerly wall as planned is slightly over 12ft tall and the forward east wall is 10ft. the height of the ceiling will allow me to have full adjustment of the treadwalls height.
the only thing... like its a small chore, but the things i have left is to panel the sides, hang the rafter, sheet the roof, and put in the window ....but it is coming along and i should have it done in time.
the Treadwall House (part 1)

So, for the last three days i have been in the process of constructing a new home for my soon to be arriving treadwall. i plan to write a little bit on the actual lessons i have learned so far in the construction.
that being said, why is there a little guy in a rain cloud here? ....because i live in washington and as Tyler said yesterday if you worried about construction getting wet nothing would ever be built in washington.
F the F-in' Rain!
i imagine ill tell you all about it when i get done. right now i only have two more days until i have to be back to work on the graveyard shift....the bane of my climbing!
side note, i put in for a new hospital job....so, do that prayer thing or stroke your... lucky rabbits foot or something...i need the job....
Monday, June 14, 2010

Tread ^ Treadwall

HEY! why do they get two?!
i have nothing to actually say about this picture.
i just like the shot. these are the fixed wall mounted model .....im guessing they are the M4 style. but it might just be a forced perspective thing. the only thing i can think to say is its too bad the walls are mounted at a fixed angle.
k... thats enough about nothing.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Treadwall M6 For Sale

before i get to the point of the post, would someone like to tell me why? in the name of all that is and ever shall be.... has this space cadet strapped himself back down to earth.
is he that powerful of a climber that he's worried about overshooting the top of the wall? im sorry ....i just dont get it.
well now that i made fun of him... i guess ill help a brother out.
for sale is:.... well i think its the M6, it may be a PE or earlier model.... regardless it's not the kore but it is the 6ft model.
i have actually been watching this casually on ebay for the last couple of months.... he started out asking for the full $10,000 but has been dropping his price as time went by.

i already threw down my money for the KORE model so.... no too interested in this guy. but their track record for staying in good working order is by the reports i have found really good. i guess thats why homeboy thought his was still worth ten grand. nope, you loose.
any way he has now slummed his way down to $4,800 OBO / please someone get this off my lawn before the wife divorces me.
sounds like a deal for one of you out there. the wall is actually in Piscataway, New Jersey ...where ever the hell that is. oh and i guess he doesnt want to take it apart to ship it.... so get ready to drive.
oh and it also sounds like the guy will take a down payment and work with ya on the rest...maybe not.
regardless, here is a link to his sale of the item on ebay: http://cgi.ebay.com/Treadwall-Revolving-Rock-Climbing-Wall-Brewers-Ledge-/230485379216?cmd=ViewItem&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item35a9ffc890
and here he is again on craigs list : http://cnj.craigslist.org/spo/1691620844.html
F That F 'N' S! , the worst of the Treadwall upgrades
*if you work at Brewer's Ledge, maybe in product development, please dont read this!*
**oh!... unless your a man, in which case carry on**

take a look at the "texture" of this wall... does it honestly look like rock? also, what is the practical use of texture? ....smearing, really youre gonna place a tenuous foot smeared on a moving surface. Not to mention the wall is overhanging as much as 35 degrees. really? you need to smear on that?
now i know this matters little when we consider form and function.... but, it's UGLY! its not aesthetically pleasing. its messing with my fung sway or whatever. how can i enjoy sipping my green tea and bending my self into my favorite salute the sun wolf gag position with these funky panels in the room. thanks ill stick by the nice unfinished wood. an uncarved block if you will.
well okay its another $495.00 i guess you just gotta help get someone through college!

the FACTS: 38 holds, $289.00, $7.61 per hold.
Counting On You.....

honestly, i havent practiced counting since i had to prove i could get to twenty to pass kindergarten. but oddly enough i also remember have an argument when i was little with another duey about whos dad had counted the highest. both of i am sure was just lying our pull-ups off as we insisted "my dad comes home from work, crack a beer, and starts counting, he makes it at least a couple thousand a night.....should break into a million soon!"
oh how likely is that, counting... really kids.... only a child would brag about counting. the rest of us, well we developed the calculator, and the the computer.... and many other implements of measurement all for the sole purpose of avoiding ....counting!
so why would you buy a Treadwall and not pay the $390.00 dollars extra to get the time and distance counter. .....does this argument really need to go on?
Friday, June 11, 2010
My New Hold Models
Potential Problem?
Treadwall Kore: check out the legs!
so lets talk about those legs. the kore comes standard with only three height positions. the fixed positions are -25, -30, & -35 degrees overhanging. while, these angles are remarkably more effect for a true climber and their training needs when compared to the M6 option, i am glad theres more, the angle changing frame up grade! ...yes up grade means more money. $460 will be worth it, because when you buy this you get -5 to -35degrees of climbing. which to me sounds awesome!
i have an opinion that when training anything less than vertical is rarely helpful (aside from focusing on smearing technique). for someone who climbs regularly, a slab wall doesnt provide enough of a workout to promote gains. also, near vertical climbing technique and overhanging technique are very different. There is that fine line dividing when your pulling your hips in to keep as much weight as you can onto your feet and when your ass drops out below you, hanging most of the weight on your hands and all the feet are doing now is pushing you to the next hold while your core is trying desperately not to let you cut!

- S -- Solid -- Are all the pieces in the anchor solid?
- E -- Equalized -- Are all the pieces equalized?
- R -- Redundant -- Is there redundancy throughout the system?
- E -- Effective -- Was the anchor construction simple and quick with no fuss?
- NE -- No Extension -- Will the system be shock-loaded if a piece blows?
focus on Effective, simple because a more complex design is closer to failure that a simple effective one. ....entropy leads to chaos ...follow me. dog namit! im wordy today!!!
Garnet says to me that the angle adjusts quickly within each setting bolt position, but going from the full height to the lowest takes a little longer, around three minutes. he quickly promises me that its okay, no big deal and that one person can do it alone. ....im a little stalled, i remember looking at previous low quality photos trying to figure it all out so now im extra confused. he goes on to explain how the same fixed bolt settings that are on the standard frame are on the angle changing setup. the hand cranks adjust up and down from those positions. so you have to move things around a little to get it from -5 degrees to -35 degrees. he also sent me a picture about something else but i was able to get a good view of the cranks as well check it out!
the first picture shows the treadwall in the lowest position while the second shows us the highest position. clearly you can see the three bolt holes where the crank adjust its position. oddly enough though if you look closely you will notice in one picture the crank is on the inside and in the other its on the outside. WHY? well the first photo is from a customer the second is from the company, so my guess is the guy reversed how he assembled his wall.....oops!
but going back, that assembly error got me thinking (i like to tweak the patent), the bolt position and assembly changes the angle potential of the wall. so, could another bolting position be place the horizontal footing at the bottom. if so it would allow the wall to be made even steeper. my first problem solving thought is... would this then allow the wall to tip over? but i guess you could counter that by bolting it to the ground! well see when it gets here, either way im not likely to start customizing my wall right out of the gait.
.....anyway, i had a point when i started this post but now i lost my train of thought.... so, hope it was a good and informative read! im gonna make another volume today. so the next post should be more on that topic.